Parenting Courses

No more waiting for a magic wand

Or someone else to fix your rangatahi.

This course is for parents who choose to be part of the solution. 


You are the solution because you:

Know your adolescents best.

Are your teenager’s safety net.

Have tried the external help  – the doctors, the school counsellor – & it still doesn’t work.

You are now realising that the answers you’ve been looking for, and depending on, are not going to arrive like a magic bullet.

It’s time to get out of parent guilt and take action. Because, if you haven’t got their back, who has?


Your adolescent is an individual, there will be a combination of tiny tweaks that are their unique fit.

Upgrade your parenting tool kit

What happened to that cute little kid?

The one who used to agree with everything you said, and loved nothing better than time with you just to chat.

They are still in there. It’s just their brain changing as they grow. And a changing brain means a change in the way you talk with them.

Be the parent who knows what to say, when to say it and how to say it for maximum effectiveness.

Discover how to have deep and robust communication with your adolescent so together, you can face any challenge.

Let’s get your adolescent thriving, rather than simply surviving.


Every parent of an adolescent yearns to have a close relationship with their young adult.

Not best friends, but special.

Close enough to be there when you need each other.

Because what YOU do and what YOU say makes a difference.


teentalk teaches you how to guide them

I had the privilege of completing two courses with Melanie, the first mainly focused on improving our communication and problem solving skills with our teenagers, the second about regulating thoughts and emotions, becoming aware of our values, setting boundaries around those and learning to communicate these with clarity and compassion. I found both courses very valuable and highly recommend Melanie as a coach to anyone seeking to improve communication, rapport and a positive atmosphere within their household and beyond.

Angelica GP

Mel’s course has taught me some valuable new ways to engage with my teenage daughter. The results were immediate once I started to practice the new ways of engaging and as I have continued to use and build on this it has continued to progress. Both my husband and I completed the course and this has also helped and I have access to the resources to revisit if I need to. Mel ‘s coaching style is open and honest and creates an environment where you feel comfortable to share your own experiences which certainly helps with applying the learnings to your own situation. I would recommend this course to any parent looking to enhance communication with their teenagers / young adults.

Nikki Kilpin

With regard to the group sessions I participated in, I would very much like to thank Melanie for her honesty in sharing her own personal experiences, showing us what she had learned (and how) so that we (and those near and dear to us) could benefit from that knowledge and understanding.

A very safe and supportive forum was created by and for us to share our stories and work through blocks, new ideas, inspirations and frustrations.

Melanie’s coaching left me feeling like I now have some new tools, behaviours and ways of dealing with situations that I never had before. These new skills have created a more peaceful state of being for me.
