Teen Talk

Giving you the communication tools to create beautiful connections

Teen Talk

Adolescents throw us the most unexpected curve balls.

When your kids are younger, they’re hard work somedays. And then they come rushing over to you, give you the biggest kiss and snuggle themselves into your lap. And your heart melts. The trivial troubles have melted away. 

It’s not as easy once they’re adolescents. The problems feel larger. The challenges are bigger. And the consequences can be serious. Or deadly. 

The way you talk with your children has changed. Instead of chatty conversation there are strained silences, eye rolls and doors slammed.  As a start. How bad will things get?

The world our teenagers are living in is vastly different from the world we lived in and the challenges our adolescents face are huge. Tricky. Challenging. 

Teen Talk

Discover the most effective ways to communicate with your teenager.

Move your relationship from surviving to thriving.

Build the foundations of a relationship that will take you into the future.


When we change, it affects everyone around us, especially our kids.

Handle whatever your teenager does

√   Listen so they talk to you.

√   Talk so they listen to you.

√   Create a relationship you love.

√   Handle what ever they throw at you.

√   Problem solve like a ninja.

I really wish that I had found your information a couple of years ago. It would be great if you could get your training into school newsletters or school guidance offices. I have not seen any practical help like this for parents. Everything you described in your training video is exactly what I went through with my daughter however I didn’t know what I could do and so it has been a long road. 



Why your best intentions are just not working.

What to stop saying.

What to start saying.

How to listen AND understand.

How to state your position clearly and get your needs met.

The best way to work with your tween, teen or young adult.












Your new understandings.

Strengthen your strategies.

Talk with your tweens/teens/young adults.

Listen to their thoughts.

Reconnect with love and authenticity.

Guide them because they’ll ask you to.

Enjoy parenting.

Refer back to the online resource.


Wherever you are in your parenting journey, you want your kids to be happy.

It starts with you, because it only takes one person.

Coaching by design: couples, small groups or solo learning following the teen talk course.

When the course is completed, you get to keep the online resource.

The price of $1,600 plus GST includes four private, two-hour sessions with Melanie.


These sessions are for you and the specific people you choose. You are most welcome to arrange a small group (up to 6 people) to keep costs down. 

Are you ready to be the change you want to see in your family?

Sign up Here

I wanted to thank you for the wonderful workshop on Wednesday night. We have had a lot of feedback both from parents and teachers on how much they enjoyed this. They certainly got a lot of takeaways/tools to use when communicating with their tweens/teens 

Sharron Buer

Learning Support Co-ordinator, St Heliers School

teentalk: Get Your E-book

Are you wishing for different results in your family, while continuing to do what you’ve always done? 

This book is a useful tool for you when it comes to having hard conversations effectively. We all know that working through the tough times with your rakatahi is worth it.

teentalk is about to be removed, and be replaced by a ‘real’ book. 

Don’t delay, get your e-book today.

$NZ 9.99