Kia ora!
our rangatahi
are possible, today.
Are you Ready to Cover off the Basics?
Connection is YOUR secret sauce.
It’s the glue that will move you through the tough times.
It takes courage to step into a beautiful conversation.
To hold space as your adolescent opens up and tells you all the things you DON’T want to hear and to guide them as they figure them out.
This won’t happen overnight!
After working with Melanie you will be able to use your communication tools to approach conflict with good-hearted intention.
Knowing you can transform conflict into
As you guide your whānau through the challenges they face.
Getting to the heart of the matter.
“Finding Melanie was a huge relief, finally someone who understood the struggle of supporting a teen through anxiety and depression.”
“Melanie helped me unpack and gain a better understanding of my daughter’s anxiety. I now feel I have many strategies and tools to use to help my daughter through this difficult time in her life, we no longer feel so helpless or at the mercy of the mental health system.”
“Just wanted to drop you a line as we had a huge success with P. this morning using some techniques from your coaching. There was a complete change in her disposition and alongside the nervousness, she was able to feel excitement before we arrived. I had some tears of happiness and pride which is such a contrast to the way I often feel going through these things.”
My Mahi, Your Solutions.
Parenting Courses
These practical, no nonsense courses are a easy way for you to learn new skills that will empower you to help your adolescent.
These courses have been designed by a busy mum for busy parents, bite sized information you can use and apply in your daily life. Your adolescents will notice.
Personalised Coaching
Useful, practical sessions tailored to meet
your individual coaching requirements
Available as
one-off, stand-alone sessions
or as a package that can be tailored to meet your unique needs.
On-Site Workshops
Specifically designed to meet the needs of your workplace or school.
Popular workshops are:
– Mental Health & Resilience
– Roadblocks to Communication
– Should I be worried (about teenage anxiety and depression)?
Take a compassionately reflective look at your parenting
Kia ora
I’m Melanie
My rangatahi was diagnosed with anxiety and depression.
I didn’t know what to say or do for her.
What if I got it wrong, and made it worse?
I was devastated. I felt so guilty for not being the parent she needed me to be.
These heart wrenching emotions inspired me to learn how to be the parent she needed and support her through it.
Poipoia te kākano kia puāwai: Nurture the seed and it will bloom
Our young people need our love, our guidance and our care to fully release thier potentialBlog
Unlocking Understanding
Using reflective sentence starters allows us to deepen our connections, grow our understanding and guide our rangatahi with love and empathy.
Better Listening Everyone
In a world of stress, overwhelming and busyness, our presence is their present.
Rapport: Your Secret Weapon
Rapport counts.