If you are not creating the life you want, think about the words you are using.
Growing Great Adults Archives
Listen for Stress
Our children will do what we do before they do what we say.
Eeek … it IS a Conflict of Values
Value changing is not a conversion experience.
Deep, powerful value changing happens when people have the space to personally review the pros and cons of advice and information.
It Begins with a Boundary
When you have clear boundaries, everyone knows where they stand. You end up with much more energy for the things that matter more to you in life.
Visible or Invisible?
Often the boundaries parents of rangatahi are struggling with are not so immediately visible.
Setting Expectations – are you Raising the Bar Effectively?
Going back to school and showing up in the world with their best selves on is the side effect and reward of all your hard work. Start now. Have the conversations that count.