Surely having high expectations will set them up to achieve well? Maybe. And, maybe not.
Mental Wellness Archives
Feeling Stuck is Yuck
If you want things to be different, you have to be different first.
We are all individuals, truth!
This pause is critical. It is the pause that puts you and your young person on the same side. And it’s this little pause, this not jumping in that we so often miss.
Boundaries are at the Beginning
We hear a lot about self-care, so where do we start with it? My money is on boundaries. The standards we set around ourselves and our needs.
When Life Brings you Lemons
When life throws you lemons, and you’re picking them up … Pause. Stop. Take a breath. And take your time. Stop and sort your lemons.
Energy is Everything
Moving your energy means working with your feelings. Being aware of your feelings in the moment, as they come up. And being intentional about how you let them affect you.